The Minnesota Noices

Rainy Days

After a fast paced summer and the initial excitement of returning to school, it feels like our break came to a screeching halt. L caught a cold as soon as school started. And I guess we’ve all let down our guards a bit because I got the cold as well. I did meet up with new people from International Citizens Hub and sat outside in a busy courtyard, sharing a table with people who also have colds right now, so L might not have been the source of contagion. It was my first time being sick since the pandemic started. Because we are all vaccinated, I wasn’t really concerned, but I did go to the walk up testing site near Stadsparken just to be a good citizen and so that I could safely attend all of my newly scheduled events. Turns out that my symptoms lasted awhile so I had to cancel my cooking class, ICH tour, and dinner plans anyway. I’m feeling quite sorry for myself for having to miss out now that there are finally things to do! The weather has been cool and rainy, with a few short stretches of pleasant weather in between showers. So I stayed home all week and only went for short walks.

On one walk I noticed that I could see the Uppåkra church steeple, marking the iron age archaeological site that we visited last week. I will be treasure hunting when I walk in this area from now on! Apparently treasures have been found lying right on the surface. Watch this video about a lucky eleven year old here. Well, she was digging at the site, but the guide told us about a woman who just randomly found an a gold token near here, so I have hope. There is a whole room in the Lund museum with those amazing finds, just from the Temple and other Uppåkra excavations.

On the horizon to the left is the village of Uppåkra. To the right is the highway and outskirts of Lund, connected by the bike path.
In the center, the church steeple is just visible. Beyond the trees is the Höje river, likely the settlement’s source of water.

A rainy forecast for the next few days again, and Bryant had hoped to do something fun for his birthday, but we’ll try for next weekend instead. Probably for the best while we still have lingering cold symptoms. We did get to try a popular restaurant, VED, which shares patio space around Lund’s oldest building, Krognohuset on a lovely evening last week, with friends who came up to visit from Malmö.

After dinner we enjoyed Lund by night. The town was lively, with a festive vibe as weddings and social events are being held outdoors, and students begin to move back. Programs at the University are partly on-line, partly in-person so we anticipate a busier atmosphere around Lund this year. The Domkyrka is even more impressive at night, I think. The nearly full moon was very low in the sky and lent an eerie glow.

Lunds Universitet also has a different look. They are celebrating its rise in rank in the world’s top 100 universities.

We enjoyed an evening at the beach in Lomma, so though I’m feeling gloomy at the moment, we have had lots of fun recently, and I’ll try to remember the sunny days.






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